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Thing 4 - Register with Blog Central

Registered, a
but I got the impression the "blogteam" wasn't trilled about my choice to privatize my blog. Oh well. I'm still here.


John said...

good for you! privatizing just means us "special" people get to view your blog! Are we lucky or what?? :-)


CC said...

Why did the librarian slip and fall on the library floor?
Because she was in the non-friction section


Boring, MD, United States
When I moved from farmlife to "city" dwelling, I brought with me 2 dogs and 8 cats. What would possess me to do such a thing, you may ask. Companionship? Naivete? Insanity? No, an attempt to save their lives, and give them a quality of life they'd never dreamed existed. And, ok, maybe a little insanity...