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Thing 12 - Rollyo

I like being able to place a searchbar on my site (or in this case, blog), particularly to enable searching within a page, or several url pages within a mainpage, but I can't see the point in having a seperate link, such as this, leading to another url in which to search. There are so many other wonderful search engines out there that are already linked to such a vast amount of information, I could never be able to compete with that. So I prefer to stick with the biggies.

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Boring, MD, United States
When I moved from farmlife to "city" dwelling, I brought with me 2 dogs and 8 cats. What would possess me to do such a thing, you may ask. Companionship? Naivete? Insanity? No, an attempt to save their lives, and give them a quality of life they'd never dreamed existed. And, ok, maybe a little insanity...