To watch video on this page, first click the "stop" button at the top your window to discontinue the music.


Thing 20 - You Tube

Not a new thing by far. It's hard to choose just one. But, I think this one says it all. And those of you who really know, understand why I would choose this. If you still hear music, you'll need to click on the "Stop" button on your browser window before viewing.

Visit http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org


WABBIT said...

Shut that screaming kid up Farmer Jo! I watched it with the sound, can you tell? You can change it now. Signed, The Wabbit

Anonymous said...

I like the fact that you use the site to promote animal rights. Keep up the good work!


Boring, MD, United States
When I moved from farmlife to "city" dwelling, I brought with me 2 dogs and 8 cats. What would possess me to do such a thing, you may ask. Companionship? Naivete? Insanity? No, an attempt to save their lives, and give them a quality of life they'd never dreamed existed. And, ok, maybe a little insanity...