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Thing 7 - blogger's choice - "I do suspect that privacy was a passing fad."

All this "Flickr" stuff is nice, but what ever happened to privacy? I think we're opening ourselves up too much to the world, not to mention the potential for some very dangerous situations. This can be utilized safely, of course, but some of these things I'm viewing would not take long to locate the person behind them. I suspect that even with the option Flickr offers to privatize your pics, the photos could still be found through any decent search engine. (Meanwhile, I'm removing my block to this blog, perhaps temporarily again, to measure the flow of traffic)

1 comment:

John said...

Wow, you could have an all-day discussion just about privacy issues. I get very concerned whenever I do any online shopping; even so-called "secure" sites might be accessed by people with evil intent and way too much time on their hands. I think so often about content of even innnocuous e-mails of mine to friends and family; could someone somewhere be "reading" over my shoulder? Thanks for some thought-provoking comments.



Boring, MD, United States
When I moved from farmlife to "city" dwelling, I brought with me 2 dogs and 8 cats. What would possess me to do such a thing, you may ask. Companionship? Naivete? Insanity? No, an attempt to save their lives, and give them a quality of life they'd never dreamed existed. And, ok, maybe a little insanity...