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Eggs - first [test] post

This is an egg...Any questions?


John said...

Hey Farmer Jo (love that name!):

Is there a way for me to make the photos bigger? (The Library, Fainting Goats, etc.) I'll be visiting this blog often, and was wondering how I could enlarge the pics.


Farmer Jo said...

Click on the pic. Its a video and will play at the top of the page. The "Library" is a bit long, but its halarious.


Boring, MD, United States
When I moved from farmlife to "city" dwelling, I brought with me 2 dogs and 8 cats. What would possess me to do such a thing, you may ask. Companionship? Naivete? Insanity? No, an attempt to save their lives, and give them a quality of life they'd never dreamed existed. And, ok, maybe a little insanity...