To watch video on this page, first click the "stop" button at the top your window to discontinue the music.


Thing 28 - Image generator magazine

Déjà vu. I opted to do a different image generator earlier because I didn't like how these worked, and I still don't. Its fun to play with but is nevertheless, a waste of time. Sorry, but I have no desire to see myself on the "cover of the Rolling Stone" - even if it was a good song. Here's what I did, but I still have no desire to do this outside of Library 2.1.


Thing 27 - Photobucket

Photobucket was interesting. I never have enjoyed posting personal photos to the web, uploading video doesn't appeal to me, avatars are fun but I keep mine elsewhere and anonymous, but it was fun to play around with the "remix" feature. I may do more exploring with it in the future if I ever decide to upload photos.

Thing 26 - Widgets

I cannot say enough how much I dislike widgets. I've tried Yahoo! Widgets in the past, and YourMinis were no better. I find the entire thing to be unnecessary, time-consuming, most useless, waste-of-time, waste-of-RAM, clutter for the desktop, that eventually bogs down your system and strains the eyes. I gave YourMinis a shot, but have absolutely no interest in pursuing this so-called technological advance.


Thing 25 - LetterPop

LetterPop was a lot of fun, and really is simple. It doesn't have all the capabilities of other programs (such as moving captions to above a photo), but overall I'd give 2 thumbs up. With the option to not only upload photos, it also had the capabilites to import from other url's, which is what I did for my newsletter.

Thing 24 - Zamzar

Nope, sorry. Just not impressed with Zamzar. I was very excited to hear that there is a file converter online and even for no charge. But after attempting a couple conversions, I never received the "new" format in my email box. Perhaps it didn't like my files. Perhaps they were onto me just testing the waters. Perhaps if I had WordPerfect to try converting it may have worked. I surly would try this again if a patron or I were in a jam, but after several failed attempts, I'm not crazy about it.


Thing 23 - Summary

Most, if not all, of these web services I was aware were available. Several of the sites I knew. But there were new sites that I can now use, if I choose. What most impressed me though was the camaraderie that resulted from the exercise. Staff has pulled together to help one another. We have learned more about each other’s personalities through every unique and creative blog, and we have enjoyed numerous laughs together because of them. I truly believe that in my 6 years at YPL nothing has promoted teamwork as this exercise. For this reason, I hope that YPL will continue to recognize the importance of, not only the educational computer literacy purpose in this, but also the significance of teamwork and personal relationships in the workplace and continue to promote programs that aide in this positive atmosphere.


Dog Dance

For all you dog lovers, this is a must see:


Thing 22 - NetLibrary/Digital books

I like that on NetLibrary you're able to search content within the book so if there's only one specific item you're looking for, that's possible to do. Or you can go directly to a certain chapter and read only that (especially helpful for non-fiction titles), though I can't help but wonder how this is possible to get around copyright laws on newer titles.
As for YPL's digital books, generally, I like the layout, with the exception of there not including a subject search button- though it does seem to find items within a subject by selecting the "all" toggle button. It will be more helpful after receiving our MP3 players, so that we may actually follow the process through. That way when patrons inquire about the process we don't look like a bunch of idiots tripping over our words, only to conclude with "Sorry, I don't know."

Thing 21 - Podcasts

Ok. I've spent way too much time searching for a decent podcast to blog about. Still no luck. I've listened to several, but am not crazy about my findings. It seems finding anything of value, i.e. what you are actually trying to find, is much like finding a needle in a haystack. Meanwhile, many are uploaded by amateurs in the field and therefore, have no true merit. The technology has such promise, but needs - do I dare say - filtering. I have placed a RSS feed to my Bloglines, as this is part of the exercise, though I'm sure I'll never use it. So, while I continue to search, I'm currently unimpressed with my discoveries.


Thing 20 - You Tube

Not a new thing by far. It's hard to choose just one. But, I think this one says it all. And those of you who really know, understand why I would choose this. If you still hear music, you'll need to click on the "Stop" button on your browser window before viewing.

Visit http://www.dogsdeservebetter.org


Thing 19 - Explore Web 2.0 Awards nominees

Several of these sites I'm already familiar with. Care2 (Philanthropy) is a wonderful site, well organized and focused. I'm already a member. Pandora.com (Music) was a recent find. Now I use it all the time. It's wonderful personalized "radio" from your PC. And its great for finding new artists similar in style to your favorites. But for this excercise I explored Yelp.com and Fuzzmail.com. First with Yelp (City Guides & Reviews): I definately see myself using this. Yelp is a collection of, well much like wikis, comments on local restaurants, shows, shops, etc from real real people with real experiences, which, for me is fantastic. Most of my "vacations" are day trips, so having something like this at my fingertips allows me to plan a stop, instead of guessing about what's good, or wandering the town at 8pm unable to find an open restaurant. On to Fuzzmail (Fun Stuff): I enjoy "fun stuff" so this was right up my alley. I can't say if I'd use it or not, but it's cute anyway. Basically, for those of you who haven't tried it, its an email sent via web-link, so when the recipient opens it they watch "real time" as you are typing the email you've sent them including all changes, modifications, or yes, errors you've made in the process. Check out mine! I did find a downside though, it seems to take a while for the recipient to be notified, so don't send anything timely here!!

Thing 18 - Zoho Writer

I can see the use for web-based productivity applications, but at this point I don't find it useful for myself. I generally use Excel to keep track of personal info ie finances, etc., so I wouldn't dare put that online where the techs or any other hacker could gain that information. However, all of the Zoho versions seem to be the best among those listed being that they seemed to have more options. I doubt that I would use Zoho Writer regularly, but I do feel more comfortable with Writer than with the spreadsheets given the type of information being uploaded.


Thing 17 - PBWikis

Ok, the Learning 2.0 Favorites wiki was a little dry. I listed my page onto the "Favorite blogs" page and added to the lists for "music" and "websites." Playing with and creating my own wiki was fun, but it was quite similar to setting up a blog or your own website. It was handy, though to have calendars, pictures, voice chat and miscellaneous other tools to immediately insert onto your personal page.

Thing 16 - Wikis

I don't like the idea of some websites (generally those implying they follow fact, i.e. Wikipedia) using a format that anyone can change or delete at their disposal. However, I do like the idea that at least one of the libraries listed is doing: allowing patrons to write their own reviews. Sometimes, when searching for a good book, it would be helpful to get a general opinion of a book, just to see what others are saying about it. Think of the possibilities with non-fiction titles as well. "This book was/was not helpful." The feedback given from this not only would help patrons pick out new finds, but would also be informative to our Book Selection Committee. We would have more evidence showing where certain authors are loved (and perhaps we could get more titles by them), or authors that may generally be disliked or offensive.
And, on a side note, Wikis might be useful to YPL, on the staff page, special announcements, where anyone can post, instead of weighing down our mailboxes with "sad" or "happy" news. This could be a more casual, social wiki, where staff, should they wish, could post information from their own lives, whether it be the dreaded funeral notice or a birth announcement, or anything else deemed important that they would like to share, like maybe an engagement, or special vacation with a picture or 2 to share. I think something like this could also help to bring us closer together as a YPL "family" and aid in boosting morale.


Thing 14 - Technorati

Technorati's good for searching blogs, but I'm still not convinced about the other offered services. In my opinion, this still falls into the catagory of "Things to do when you have too much time on your hands." I signed up, and added tags, but am still unable to find mine through the search feature. (Maybe its because I'm currently ranked as 3-and-some-odd-millionth!)
Add to Technorati Favorites


Thing 13 - Del.icio.us

Tags are good. Del.icio.us is not.


Thing 12 - Rollyo

I like being able to place a searchbar on my site (or in this case, blog), particularly to enable searching within a page, or several url pages within a mainpage, but I can't see the point in having a seperate link, such as this, leading to another url in which to search. There are so many other wonderful search engines out there that are already linked to such a vast amount of information, I could never be able to compete with that. So I prefer to stick with the biggies.

Thing 11 - LibraryThing

Okay, I like LibraryThing. To be honest, I had my doubts about this, (just another "work" thing for home) but I like it. I can keep track of what I read, booklists I make for other people, as well of knowing what I have in my own collection, accessible from anywhere.


Thing 10 - image generator

My creationThis was a difficult step for me, not because of the complexity, but rather the number of tacky generators or ones that simply didn't work properly and that were nothing more than a waste of time. I'm satisfied by this, but I still feel that it would have taken less time and yet given me the same results had I generated it myself through any photo program (or even "paint" or "word" for that matter!). But, I must admit, although most of this is not a challenge to me as it is really just an introduction to new sites, I am however learning more about html, when, how, and why to use it. Such as the case with this pic.

Have you learned to resize an image without stretching the pixels through html? See...now that's fun and educational!


This pic brought to you by FD Toys at http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php


Thing 9 - Finding Feeds

I explored. "Feedster" seemed the simplest to navigate, but none of them turned up the results I was looking for. Also, when searching for a name, quotations don't seem to help; I got everything "John" and everything "Smith" instead of only "John Smith"s. Again, if you spend a lot of time simply surfing, its a fun tool. I prefer to have more purpose when doing a search.

Thing 8 - RSS feeds, Bloglines

Bloglines is an excellent resource for anyone that spends time surfing site to site for info, or for someone who seeks out news. That is not me. The exercise was not difficult to explore, it was interesting, but the hardest part was finding so many sites to subscribe to. Quite frankly, this was nothing more than an additional junk box for me to manage. Sure, a couple are handy. I love that I can now keep an eye on my fav YPL blogs without having to search each one for changes. But, other than that, at this point, it just isn't useful for me.


Thing 7 - blogger's choice - "I do suspect that privacy was a passing fad."

All this "Flickr" stuff is nice, but what ever happened to privacy? I think we're opening ourselves up too much to the world, not to mention the potential for some very dangerous situations. This can be utilized safely, of course, but some of these things I'm viewing would not take long to locate the person behind them. I suspect that even with the option Flickr offers to privatize your pics, the photos could still be found through any decent search engine. (Meanwhile, I'm removing my block to this blog, perhaps temporarily again, to measure the flow of traffic)

Thing 6 - Mappr

Mappr looks interesting. Great for deciding vacation spots or stops along the way.


Thing 5 - Flickr

Ahh.. Split Rock, MN. This one is on my list of vacation destinations. But, of course I would be going in mid-summer. I have a hard enough time keeping warm; I have no intentions of going to a northern shore on a snowy winter day.


Thing 4 - Register with Blog Central

Registered, a
but I got the impression the "blogteam" wasn't trilled about my choice to privatize my blog. Oh well. I'm still here.

Thing 3 - Respose to 7 and 1/2 lifelong learning habits, Set up & first post (see: "Eggs")

Strength: Habit 3: I view problems as challenges. I thrive on out of the ordinary, break from routine, independent thinking. Day-to-day routine bores me.

Thing 2 - Lifelong Learning podcast

Finally found the time to watch the video. It would have been helpful to mention that everything was captioned, so sound was not a requirement.

Thing 1 - Read Library 2.0 blog

read it

Eggs - first [test] post

This is an egg...Any questions?


Boring, MD, United States
When I moved from farmlife to "city" dwelling, I brought with me 2 dogs and 8 cats. What would possess me to do such a thing, you may ask. Companionship? Naivete? Insanity? No, an attempt to save their lives, and give them a quality of life they'd never dreamed existed. And, ok, maybe a little insanity...